At CORELinguix we cover major global languages as well as less commonly spoken local languages - Arabic, Bambara (from Mali, Africa), (Mandarin) Chinese, Dari (from Iran and Afganistan), English, French, Kachin (Myanmar, Asia), Mayan languages (the Americas), Russian, Spanish, Swahili (East Africa), Turkish, Zulu (South Africa), and any languages in between.
Here are our translation offerings at a glance:
150+ languages covered worldwide.
9 regional language practices – African, Middle-Eastern, South Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian, Central Asian, European, Caribbean and Native American
Unparallel network of top linguists.
Written translation services provided worldwide.
Transcription services provided worldwide.
Localization services provided worldwide.
Interpreting services provided in 60+ major business hubs across North America, Central and South America, the Caribbean, Europe, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle-East, Central Asia, South Africa, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, etc).